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Layoffs at work 2008-10-03
9:15 a.m.


Thirty-something. Mother. Single by choice. Native American/white. Short. Slender-to-average build. Very long, reddish-brown hair. Green eyes. Responsible. Comical. Sympathetic. Honest. Singer. Two cats. One tattoo, more needed. Employed full time, but also cheating with a second job. Prone to moments of extreme stupidity. Scared of spiders, heights and commitment. Addicted to foreign films, thai food, teas and crunchy salty snacky things.


If you happen to come across some Bluejay, Cardinal or other colorful bird feathers please send me an email as I need them desperately! If you happen to be in South Americn I'd love to get some Condor feathers if possible (I don't know how hard they are to come by). You will have my undying gratitude and all feathers will be used in a respectful way. Hey.. I'ts an Indian thing! :-)


I have been so incredibly busy at work, essentially, trying to catch up on work in other departments that is behind in order to save the jobs of others (and maybe my own). I usually write my entries during the day in my free time, but there has been no free time here, as evidenced by the lack of entries.

The tension is so thick you couldn't even cut it with a chainsaw. There are layoffs today at work and no one yet knows who is affected. I feel nauseous. Of course I hope I'm not one of the ones who is being let go, but I also don't want to see anyone else be let go either. I'm almost too stunned by the news to function.

One of the things that sucks is that in my position I will see people as they are walked out of the building after being laid off.

I have a headache.
I've had it for days.

It is not a good day.




My jobs safety