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I want to go to Dubai! 2009-01-08
2:56 p.m.


Thirty-something. Mother. Single by choice. Native American/white. Short. Slender-to-average build. Very long, reddish-brown hair. Green eyes. Responsible. Comical. Sympathetic. Honest. Singer. Two cats. One tattoo, more needed. Employed full time, but also cheating with a second job. Prone to moments of extreme stupidity. Scared of spiders, heights and commitment. Addicted to foreign films, thai food, teas and crunchy salty snacky things.


If you happen to come across some Bluejay, Cardinal or other colorful bird feathers please send me an email as I need them desperately! If you happen to be in South Americn I'd love to get some Condor feathers if possible (I don't know how hard they are to come by). You will have my undying gratitude and all feathers will be used in a respectful way. Hey.. I'ts an Indian thing! :-)


Last weekend I went with Toe to the Ecu@dorian Consulate in NYC. I thought it would be such a cool thing!! But no. It was a little building in a kinda crappy area right under the trains. Everyone there was really nice, but I was mostly unimpressed. It took almost all day to get his passport renewed but at least now it is done and he can go to Dubai. Yes, DUBAI! I was so jealous when he told me they are scheduled for concerts there!!! Unfortunately they leave this coming weekend and I had no way to plan and take time off to go. He said I could go with them if I wanted, but I'd have to pay my own airfare... and I would so do that!! But, like I said, there isn't enough time to make arrangements. Dang!

I am so flipping JEALOUS!!!!

My mother called me the other day to inform me that Medicare no longer covers her anti-psychotic meds and that she's not even sure she still needs them. HA!!! Mom, I love ya, but you're schizophrenic! That kind of "crazy" doesn't get cured from a year or two of meds like it's some kind of infection that goes away with penicillin. It's a lifetime of simply keeping it under control. Yes, you still need the meds mom.

So, she called her doctor, who told her to call her insurance company, who then told her to call her doctor (again) and there is the possibility that if the doctor calls the insurance company they *may* decide to cover it. Did you follow all that back and forth? If the insurance company doesn't pay for it, I will because she can't live her "normal" life without it. That will be a big, fat $300 a month that I don't have!

And last week I had to take my son's cat to the vet because I noticed she was in and out of the litter box constantly. Poor thing has a urinary tract infection. We did a week of antibiotics and nothing appeared to change so today I dropped her back at the vets. As I suspected, the infection is no better and they are going to give her a stronger antibiotic. They said if this doesn't do the trick they'll xray her for stones (didn't I just go through that myself??) or do some special culture where they send out the bacteria and grow it in a petrie dish. Yeah, sounds like fun. Last week's visit cost $180. Today's bill? Who knows.

Starting tomorrow, I'm back to work at the Evil Empire for nights and weekends. Oh joy!! At least it will be some extra income so I can pay off my car, take care of my mom's medicines if needed and save for a place of our own. My son is really starting to ache for our own place, and honestly, so am I.

My mom and I had a big discussion about her moving up her and I had to make it clear to her that she was moving in with me. It would not be "our" place.. it would be "my" place. This was the original plan and how she changed it I don't know. But I took the chance to lay down some rules. I told her that I do not allow smoking in my house and that she won't be able to close herself in her room and smoke. I also told her that if my friends (like Roberto and his brothers) needed a place to stay they were always welcome in my house and that she might only have a few hours notice of someone coming to stay there. I also let her know that I might have people in my life that she didn't like and if that was the case she would be welcome to stay, but also welcome to go. It would be my house, my rules. If I have to work my ass off to get the place and get everything set up, plus be the one paying all the bills.. it damn well better be my house!

During this conversation I also told her about Martin. I was expecting her to pass out and drop the phone, but instead she said "who?" I explained it to her and she said she vaguely remembered him and that she didn't have a problem with me wanting to be with him, if that is what I chose to do. Then she asked who the other guy I hung out with was. Chris?? "Oh yeah, that's the one I hated!" What? She hated Chris? When I talked to Martin and told him that and he said his mother hated Chris too. WTF?!?

Anyway, now I don't have to be all freaked out worrying about my mother hating the guy I might want to get together with. That relieves some stress. But there is still the stress of getting her up here and the chaos that entails. She pissed my aunt off the other day so I doubt my aunt will help with moving her up here (although I don't think my aunt ever really planned on it so it's just another excuse for her) and so it will just be me. I am a very strong person, but I can only do so much.

This is something I've been trying to tell Martin too. We have been talking about him moving up here and he wants to move as soon as he gets out. That would be okay, but I still don't want him moving in with me at first. I suggested he move in with a friend of mine and he was kinda like "I don't know. I don't like being around people I don't know or trust." I understand that, but he needs to look at it from my point of view too. I still need to get to know and trust him and I cannot have him in my house, with my family, before I am ready! He's kind of pushing things, and I understand him being excited and all, but he's living one kind of life right now and I'm living a totally different one. He has no responsibilities and me, I have way too many!! I've been trying to go easy on him with this, but I'm thinking I'm going to have to just lie it all down for him. Then, if he doesn't like it, he doesn't need to move up here any time soon or at all. Can you tell I'm annoyed? :-) Even with him I have no patience! :-P

Ice storm yesterday. Snow swirling around outside today. Is it to much to ask for some 80 degree weather with some bright sunshine? I thought so. But it never hurts to ask.

And can someone tell me what the point in having Symantec Anti-Virus is if they still let viruses get on your computer and then want to charge you $99 to fix it. Weren't they supposed to prevent it in the first place? I was looking at videos on You Tube and *poof* there it was suddenly thrusting it's unprotected trojan virus into my hard drive!!! I had the anti-virus on! I was practicing safe surfing!!

So now, my new computer has some stupid trojan program wreaking havoc on it. Any ideas for a GOOD program to remove these things? Symantec/Norton/Whateveryouwanttocallit obviously wasn't worth the expensive 3 year plan I paid for. They better watch out or I will send my un-medicated crazy mother after their inept asses!

I need to update more with shorter entries instead of these epic ones. Eh.


Aerosmith - Love in an Elevator

Sucked dry of money

Baked stuffed shrimp!