Long time no write! Yeah, all I do anymore is work and since they cut off access to DLand at my day job I never get to read or write here anymore. :-( Anyway, just wanted to say quickly that tomorrow morning I'm getting on a plane and heading to Florida to see Martin. I need to see him in person. I need to talk to him and get answers to some questions and generally just make sure he is the person I think he is. I'm certan he is, but I'm making big life changes so I need to be sure. I've been to prisons before, both state and federal, but I was always a guest of the prison. This will be my first time going as a visitor of an inmate. I'm nervous about doing the wrong thing or wearing the wrong clothes. I think I'm more nervous about those things than I am about seeing Martin again for the first time in 20 years... I'm excited to see him! So, that is my update. Hopefully I will have a favorable report (and some time to write and post it!) when I return. :-)